Personal Greenhouse Gas Action Plan
Perception of any crisis in world affairs has always followed much the same pattern.
Those who say it isn’t happening and never will happen; those cautious but observant who say it might happen; those early adopters who say it is happening well before a majority agree; and those who like to see it unambiguously demonstrated before acknowledging it is actually happening.
Or – and this is really important – not happening.
Trouble is, at the ‘it might happen’ stage it’s difficult to decide on the right course of action. Do nothing and any action might be too late.
Or, conversely, do nothing and in fact the action might later prove to have been correct.
Think CFCs in aerosols and the ozone layer for the first; think Y2000 bug in computer software for the second.
And the eminence of the ‘early adopters’ counts for little: remember the 1970s predictions of a world overpopulation crisis, and how widespread famine would result in a catastrophic reduction in the population by the year 2000? Despite some very highly credentialed experts arguing vehemently – and with apparent logic – that we were doomed, it didn’t happen.
And now to global warming.
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